Game Ranch Management 36 Months
Game Ranch Management Practitioner 36 Months

The Game Ranch Practitioner qualification provides solid groundwork for junior and mid-level managers. It is aimed at preparing the student to work with executive managers and game farm owners, from preparing a conservation management plan, to ensuring the different activities are implemented and carried out, while managing the day-to-day operational functions of a Nature Reserve.

This qualification was designed for students in conservation and to cater for the workplace needs of the sector. It seeks to address operational field requirements in support of conservation management objectives, liaising with local communities affected by conservation management plans in order to meet these objectives, and performing operational support functions to facilitate the accomplishment of work activities.

This qualification further seeks to broaden the student’s understanding of the role the above-mentioned facilities play in biodiversity conservation, environmental education, urban conservation and ecotourism. Personal development, leadership and management are included as different subjects in this qualification, allowing students to better manage themselves and others.

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