Terms & Conditions

Entry Requirements:

  • The entry requirement is the Umalusi National Senior Certificate (Grade 12).
  • Strictly only students between the ages of 17 and 24 are allowed. There is an online option available for students older than 24.
  • All conservation learners must provide proof of valid rabies and tetanus shots before enrolment.
  • International students must submit proof of medical insurance with their signed quote.
  • Before enrolment is considered for a second or third year, there are compulsory components that should be completed successfully beforehand depending on the courses selected.
  • The student should be proficient in English as all training, lectures, tests, workbooks, etc. will be conducted in English;
  • The student should be computer literate and bring a laptop with MS Word as students create an e-portfolio.
  • The student should be medically fit for a normal workplace;

Registration for Full-time courses:

    • The Registration Fee of R1 500-00 must be paid on acceptance of a quotation and to secure a placement for the student.
    • The Tuition Deposit of R7 000-00 must be paid within 3 months after the acceptance of the quotation, or before the commencement of the course, whichever date is earlier.
    • A 5% discount will be granted if the full amount is paid before the tuition start date.
    • A Name and Surname should be used as a reference on all payments. Funds can be deposited into the following bank account and the proof of payment should be sent to info@sondelaacademy.net
    • Sondela Academy (Pty) Ltd
    • First National Bank
    • Bank Account No: 623 97779 681
    • Reference: Name and Surname
    • The registration fee and deposit are non-refundable and will be deducted from the total course fee.
    • Fees include all training and learning materials, two sets of uniforms, examination fees, tools and equipment, licensing, assessment and moderation fees.
    • Fees do not include accommodation, meals or transport.
    • Transportation can be arranged in and around Sondela at a fee ranging from R250 – R650 depending on the distance.
    • Tuition Fees will be determined and in line with the agreed monthly fee and according to the signed tuition agreement. The tuition agreement should be signed within 30 days of enrolment and at least 30 days prior to the course start date. Late enrolments should sign the tuition agreement before the learners are allowed to enter the training programme.
    • If the monthly payments are not met, the tuition agreement will be terminated with immediate effect and the student will not be allowed to continue learning.
    • Application for financing can be done by Sondela Academy’s financing partner upon completion of an application form.
    • Cancellation fees will be applicable.

Registration for short courses:

  • The full tuition fee is to be paid with the registration.
  • A Name and Surname should be used as a reference on all payments. Funds can be deposited into the following bank account and the proof of payment should be sent to info@sondelaacademy.net
  • Sondela Academy (Pty) Ltd
  • First National Bank
  • Bank Account No: 623 97779 681
  • Reference: Name and Surname
  • Fees include all training and learning materials, two sets of uniforms, examination fees, tools and equipment, licensing, assessment and moderation fees.
  • Fees do not include meals or transport.
  • A 50% cancellation fee will be applicable. The total course fee will be payable if cancelled 7 days before the course start date or during the course period

Rules for successful completion:

  • 80% daily attendance is required to receive the qualification and successfully complete the programme.
  • Special needs, medical conditions or previous academic transgressions should be declared upon enrolment and should be discussed with the academy prior to the course start date.
  • Students may be actively involved in the preparation, implementation and closing of ALL events during the tuition period.
  • Students will be required to be in the workplace every second weekend, public holidays, easter weekend, long weekends, event weekends, Christmas & New Year.
  • Practical experience during December-January MUST be completed in order to receive the qualification;
  • Any classes, assessments or work missed, should be caught up in the student’s own time or by arrangement with Sondela Academy.
  • Where ample opportunity has been provided, the student will be billed for additional opportunities.
  • Learning remains the student’s responsibility – we provide the opportunities and platforms to learn;
  • Other terms and conditions apply (as specified in the tuition agreement).