Nature Site Guide
Nature Site Guide

The Level 2 Nature Site Guide course consist of two very important guiding factors: the ability to create a creative and insightful guided experience, and a rich, well-rounded knowledge of the area you wish to guide in. Mammals, Reptiles, Trees, and Astronomy are some of the topics covered during this short course. At the end of the course, you should be able to conduct a guided tour.

Although this is a hands on course, the classes will be provided online and the student can study in their own time at their own pace. Due to the many practical activities to be completed, we recommend that students volunteer at any of the organizations mentioned above to gain the experience and to complete the skills programme.

Online support and guidance will be available and students can request to obtain their workplace exposure at Sondela Nature Reserve & Spa for a limited time.

Do you need more information or do you want to reserve a spot at our next open day?